Can Squirrels Pass Diseases to Humans?
While squirrels look furry and cute, having them living inside your home is not a welcoming sight. Along with damaging your belongings, an infected squirrel can spread diseases to humans and pets through direct and indirect contact. Taking preventive steps and handling infestations right away is crucial to your well-being and safety.
What Diseases Can Squirrels Transmit to Humans?
Squirrels can pass several diseases to both humans and pets. They can be carriers of all kinds of parasites, like mites, fleas and ticks, that can cause issues for you and your furry friends. Here are a few of the most common:
Salmonellosis: Within 12-72 hours after being exposed to salmonella bacteria in squirrel feces, individuals can start experiencing gastrointestinal problems like abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. When severe, a salmonella infection could lead to life-threatening complications like meningitis or sepsis.
Ringworm: If you come in direct contact with a squirrel that has ringworm, you could become infected as well. This fungal infection causes a...