What Animal is Digging Holes in Your Yard?

As a homeowner, the last thing you want is to wake up to mounds of sand and dirt plotted all over your yard. Small animals burrow in the ground, scurrying in tunnels and often ending up in your back or front yard. These pests can be hard to get rid of and may cause damage to your property and plants if you don't do something. We will explore a few animals known for being offenders in Texas, their physical characteristics, diet, activity and how to stop them. 1. Armadillos Although 21 different species of Armadillo have been identified, only one is found in the United States. The nine-banded armadillo calls Texas home and is at the top of our list of possible culprits who could be digging holes in your yard at night. Their characteristics include: Physical attributes: These pre-historic, strange-looking critters are identified by their elongated armored bodies and diamond-shaped heads. They are quite fast for small mammals with seemingly heavy bodies and short, stubby...
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