Rat droppings in your house, sounds in your walls and skittering noises at night are indicators of a rat infestation. Deal with a rat infestation quickly to avoid property damage and exposure to dangerous diseases.
What Is the Fastest Way to Get Rid of Rats?
There are many ways to deal with a rat infestation — some work faster than others. By implementing a combination of methods, you can get rid of rats quickly. Here are some strategies to try.
Set a Trap
The traditional method of trapping a rat is still effective, especially if you know where your unwanted visitors are nesting, as it’s best to place traps close to nesting areas. Rat traps that don’t pose any dangers to children and pets are best used in the living space, snap traps are better suited for areas where there is not a concern for children or pets finding the trap. Both are easy to find at various stores and online and are relatively inexpensive. However, poor trapping techniques can lead to trap shy or trap wise rats which will result in prolonged removal periods.
Remove Rat Habitats
Keep your yard neat and orderly to ensure there are no piles of lumber, old cars, fallen trees, and other hiding places where rats can nest.
Remove Food Sources
Make it difficult for rats to find a meal. Keep your garbage cans covered. Store pet food in rodent-proof containers and remove any leftover pet food after your pet’s meal. If you have fruit trees or a vegetable garden on your property, harvest your produce when it ripens and pick up any fallen fruit from the ground. Purchase bird seed designed to deter squirrels as it will also deter rats and mice. Excess bird seed should also be kept in rodent-proof containers.
Grow Rat-Repellant Plants
Get rid of rats naturally by planting vegetation with scents that repel rats. Plants with strong fragrances work well as rodents have a much sharper sense of smell than humans and will find these strong smells repulsive. Consider growing the following:
- Garlic
- Lavender
- Daffodils
- Onions
- Chrysanthemums
- Sage
- Mint (especially spearmint and peppermint)
- Lemongrass
Filling your garden with rat-repellent plants is an inexpensive, non-toxic way to deal with a rat problem, and you’ll have the added benefit of enjoying a beautiful garden.
Should You Get A Cat?
Studies have shown that most cats will leave adult rats alone. Smaller rodents such as mice or juvenile rats are more likely to be hunted by cats. However, a lot depends on the cat’s personality, and some cats are less than avid hunters.
Will Spraying Essential Oils Help?
It may be tempting to try to deter rats from taking up residence in your home with pungent, non-chemical smells that irritate their noses. However, using essential oils to repel rodents (or other animals) has little to no effect.
Rely on Professional Rat Removal Services
The most effective way to rid your home of rats is to contact professionals for trapping and removal services when you see signs of an infestation. You want to rely on professionals who take care of the problem and also safeguard you against future infestations with exclusion and repair services. Urban Jungle Wildlife Removal confidently offers these services as we’ve helped many homeowners live rodent-free.
Deal With a Rat Infestation Quickly
Urban Jungle Wildlife Removal’s team of educated wildlife biologists can effectively deal with your rat problem with customized trapping and removal services. Please contact us online or give us a call at 833-732-0439.