Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. This certainly applies to the popular notion that applying snake repellent to the perimeter of your yard will create an invisible shield that keeps snakes out. It may make you feel more secure in the short term, but if your yard’s conditions are an ideal snake habitat, you will likely be disappointed with the results.
Does Snake Repellent Work?
There’s a lot of conflicting information about whether snake repellents work. Manufacturers and suppliers of sprays and electronic devices created to deter snakes naturally promote their products to increase sales. To get an objective view of the efficacy of snake-repellent sprays, one must turn to science.
Most snake species have poor vision and use their tongues to collect sensory information about their environment. The problem with dousing areas with foul-smelling or even toxic sprays is that snakes do not perceive odors the same way as humans. They are not tuned in to be offended by strong smells.
Snakes are searching for things they need, including water and food. While it may feel worthwhile to dump a box of mothballs under your porch or cover your lawn in snake-repellent spray, snakes will glide by if they detect a juicy rat nearby.
Types of Snake Repellent
Many commercial and homemade sprays are touted as effective snake repellents. The main ingredients in most of these products are strong-smelling substances like naphthalene or sulfur. There are also plenty of homemade snake-repellent formulas that include natural ingredients, including garlic, cinnamon or essential oils. None of these are typically effective.
What Is the Best Thing to Keep Snakes Away From Your Property?
The best way to keep snakes away from your home and yard is to understand why they are there. Like all wildlife, snakes look for places to find food, water and adequate shelter.
Make your property inhospitable to rodents and reptiles by following a few basic steps:
- Maintain strict rodent and pest control.
- Keep your yard tidy and eliminate potential hiding places, like woodpiles.
- Mow the grass regularly.
- Feed your pets inside.
- Avoid garden ponds or wet areas that provide a breeding ground for frogs or an easy water source for snakes and rodents.
- Encourage natural predators like owls and hawks to frequent your property.
- Install snake fencing.
How to Get Rid of Snakes on Your Property
Finding signs of snakes on your property can be unnerving. Urban Jungle goes beyond trapping and removing snakes. We work with homeowners to discover and eliminate the cause and find practical, long-term solutions to keep them out. To learn more ways to keep snakes off your property, contact us today!