Texas abounds with different venomous and non-venomous snakes, some more prevalent near human habitats than others.

Learn why they enter our properties and how wildlife removal experts remove them.

Why Do Snakes Enter Human Habitats?

When snakes enter human habitats, it’s usually because their natural habitat is threatened or diminishing due to human activity. They find their way onto residential and commercial properties, seeking warmth, shelter, and food. Properties with rodent infestations (or other food sources such as lizards, frogs, insects, etc) are more prone to attracting snakes into crawl spaces, attics, and other areas. Permanent water sources around the home will also attract a variety of animals including snakes.

Understanding Snake Habits

Snake activity is influenced by food availability, weather conditions, and reproductive cycles. Snakes emerge from hiding in spring after winter brumation, which is similar to hibernation. Their activity peaks in summer, when they are often seen basking, mating, and hunting. You’ll spot snakes less frequently during winter. However, if the temperature increases for a  few days in the winter, snakes may become more active.

Some species are more docile, determined by their body language, such as a relaxed posture, slow movements, lowered head, and lack of hissing or puffing. Other snakes may act more aggressively, standing the ground, posturing, hissing, and striking. The important thing to remember is that in both cases, the snakes only want to be left alone. They will ALWAYS flee given the opportunity.

Professional Snake Removal Methods

Wildlife removal specialists are trained to handle snakes safely, taking precautionary measures to protect people and their property. They must identify the species first to determine their approach.

They remove them using essential equipment such as traps, hooks, and tongs, although their techniques may differ depending on the breed and area.

Techniques Used by Wildlife Specialists

The wildlife specialist strategically places traps near baited or unbaited entry points. Once captured, the snakes are released into their natural habitat away from populated areas, and the property entry points are sealed to prevent them from re-entering.

Another technique involves manually catching the snake with a hook and tongs while wearing protective gear, especially for venomous species in residential areas. Snake catchers may also use repellents and barriers to deter snakes.

DIY vs. Professional Snake Removal

Besides the safety risks of misidentifying a venomous snake, transporting some species without a permit in certain states is illegal. Improper handling may also cause excessive stress and increased aggression, leading to snake bites.

Professional, licensed, insured wildlife removal companies use safe methods to remove snakes. They offer comprehensive solutions that ensure the snakes are appropriately relocated while customers have peace of mind knowing their property is protected from re-entry. Professionals should always be called when snakes pose an immediate danger to people and pets.

Call Urban Jungle Wildlife Removal to Remove Snakes From Your Property

Call Urban Jungle Wildlife Removal to Remove Snakes From Your Property

Urban Jungle Wildlife Removal’s team is trained to trap, handle, and remove snakes and other pests in Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and the surrounding Texas areas, expertly leveraging their wildlife knowledge and experience.

Explore our trapping and removal services, and contact us to handle your wildlife problem today!