4 Signs of a Raccoon Problem in Your Home

How do you know if a raccoon is in your house? These masked bandits try to be sneaky, but there tend to be a few telltale signs when they've moved in. Be on the lookout for the following clues of a raccoon home invasion. 1. Unusual Sounds Are your nights a bit noisier than they used to be? Raccoons are not quiet house guests. These talkative creatures make a wide range of unique sounds, from chattering and squeals to purrs and snarls. And because they're nocturnal, many raccoons save their conversations for when you're getting ready for bed. Listen for these unusual noises, too: Light footfalls Chewing Scratching Rustling 2. Strong Odors Are there unexplained smells filling your home? Raccoon invasions can be smelly affairs. From animal waste to rotting food, you may start to smell some strong, unexplained odors if raccoons are in your space. 3. Home Damage Raccoons can get into everything. Whether they're forcing their way into your pantry or making a cozy nest in...
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What Diseases Can Raccoons Carry?

You can find raccoons in many city and suburban settings, but that doesn't mean they're safe to be around. These wild animals can pose a health risk. Even if a raccoon shows no signs of infection, many carry infectious diseases or parasites that can be transmitted to humans and animals. Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about diseases known to occur in raccoons. What Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites Do Raccoons Cause? Most people are aware that raccoons can carry rabies. These wild animals also shed a host of viruses, bacteria and parasites that can result in infections or diseases in people. Here are some of the most common health hazards caused by raccoons. Rabies Raccoons are known carriers of the dangerous rabies virus, an infection that causes brain inflammation and other disturbing symptoms. Rabies is easily transmitted via bite, scratch or even contact with saliva. Baylisascaris Procyonis, or Raccoon Roundworm This parasite is found in the intestines of many raccoons. The organism sheds a...
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Are Raccoons Dangerous?

With fuzzy fur, distinctive mask-like features, and bushy tails, raccoons look cute from a distance. This forest creature is a common sight in many neighborhoods and suburbs, but that doesn't make it friendly or safe. Raccoons can be dangerous in certain circumstances. Here are a few of the most common questions about the risks raccoons can pose to your home and family. Do Raccoons Attack Humans? In general, raccoons do not attack people. These naturally shy creatures prefer to flee if they sense humans. However, that fear can dwindle as they adapt to cities and suburbs. Raccoons are most dangerous to humans when they feel threatened or trapped or need to protect their young. Before attacking, raccoons may bluff or try to intimidate you. They might bear their teeth and claws, vocalize aggressively or even charge at you. Displays of aggression mean an attack is likely, so give raccoons a wide berth if you encounter one. Are Raccoons Dangerous to Pets? Raccoons can pose a risk to pets,...
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How To Prevent Raccoons: 5 Ways To Keep Raccoons Away From Your House

Have you been seeing more raccoons around your neighborhood lately? You're not alone. Raccoons are no longer confined to their natural habitats of forests and wetlands. Recent decades have seen a great raccoon migration to urban and suburban areas. City streets and local neighborhoods offer these small scavengers a bounty of food sources. Keep your property from becoming a haven for these masked bandits. In this post, we'll teach you how to keep raccoons away. These five tips for preventing raccoons rely on making them feel unwelcome and using natural deterrents to ensure your home is inhospitable to these intelligent mammals. Call Now for Raccoon Removal ➔ 1. Remove Raccoon Food Sources Like with any wild animal, providing a regular source of food for raccoons encourages dependence on humans and can lead to overpopulation. These critters are smart and resourceful. They're also master scavengers. Enhanced night vision allows them to easily feed at night. If you're feeding the raccoons, stop. You should also locate potential food sources and remove them to keep raccoons at...
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Raccoons in Your Attic: What Do You Do?

    Since most animals instinctively seek warmth and shelter, it's no surprise local wildlife might invite themselves into your home at unexpected times. Having a raccoon in the attic or even in your crawl space is a typical occurrence for many homeowners, and worth taking seriously. There are a few tips and tricks to follow if you want to try to remove the raccoons on your own, or you can call a full-service company to handle the entire process and remove the risk from yourself. Table of Contents: Signs of Raccoons in Your Attic Damage Raccoons Can Cause What to Do if You Find a Raccoon in Your Home Call Now for Wildlife Removal Signs of Raccoons in Your Attic While raccoons can be sneaky, there are a few ways to tell if a raccoon is in your attic. These small signs can help you assess whether you have a raccoon infestation, and where they might be getting in. Based on the severity of the indications, you can...
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