How to Handle Nesting Birds on Your Property
While it's always preferable to keep birds from nesting in or around buildings, this is a common occurrence. Many homeowners only discover a nest when they find telltale signs of bird droppings piling up on the ground below.
Wild birds can carry a host of diseases and parasites. If you find an active nest around your home or business, it is important to take safety precautions to protect your health while letting Mother Nature complete her cycle undisturbed.
What to Do if a Bird Makes a Nest on Your Porch
Nest building takes time, so if you notice birds constructing a nest on your porch, take action immediately. There are many ways to make them feel unwelcome and look for an alternative spot. You can wear gloves and remove the nesting material or spray the area out with a hose. Repeat every day until you are sure that the birds have moved away. Only do this during the initial stages of nest construction....